Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Those overblown sneaky thugs! Taking Shadowin and the other horses, and all of our supplies. I will kill them all, starting with that filthy barbarian. They are not adventurers, they are bandits. And murderers!
And this elf girl, who is she? Kelestri and Evan seem to think she is O.K.. Her name is Mithinu and she said she was a warrior and mage. I can't wait for her to throw a ball of fire at some Baneites.
I hope the company will like my coin-in-darkness thing, sort of a calling card for the group.


The Dungeon Master said...

I think it was Corim's words that profoundly ended session 19. Nice work bringing both PCs to the foreground this session. - DM -

Mithinu said...

My horse was a nag anyway.

Slyl said...

....my horse had a lot of my stuff on it...i cared more about my stuff then the horse...the horse would figure a way to live...my stuff would have been gone from me and of no use to the horse